
Welcome to Our 605 Story.  My name is Heather, and I am the creator of this little blog.  To know me, you must know what matters most to me.  My boys.  They are growing before my eyes, and who remind me they are not the little ones we adopted so many years ago.  My husband.  He is my support, my encourager, and hand-holder in life.  My family and friends all around me.  They lift me up telling me I can do it when I am struggling.  I love a grand adventure, a great book, and good laugh.

I see stories through my boys’ eyes.  My husband is there with me sharing a part of all my stories.   I cherish the stories that are shared with my family friends.  Stories are happening all around if we just take the time to see it through– stories that are heart-warming, entertaining, tear-jerking, or eye-opening.

I hope you will spend time looking around and maybe you will find a story that speaks to you.

All my best to you, Heather